Why we Ride: DJ Waves

Why We Ride with DJ Waves

“The confidence I gain from pushing myself out of my comfort zone riding, bleeds into my personal and professional life as a DJ.”

If it has wheels, DJ Waves is into it. To her, wheels equal fierce freedom and bountiful connection. As an artist always looking to bend and break barriers, DJ Waves takes on new challenges like a champion rider. Though she has been only riding for two years, she has hit the road running, making up for lost time. Motivated by her dad’s purchase of a motorcycle her freshman year in highschool, she fell in love with the thrill of the ride as she flew riding pillion through the city streets with him after school. So when time freed up for her to explore, learn, and get her license at the start of the pandemic she took it… from Canada to California.

A Change of Scenery

Being from Ontario, Canada DJ Waves was used to seeing bikers as primarily male, father-figures zooming around on “dad-rigs” but coming out to California seasonally she has discovered an entirely new community of riders. 

“It’s not like there are absolutely no female riders in Canada but there are a heck of lot more here in California. There are a lot more younger riders here that I have connected with - with a lot of them riding choppers. It’s almost like there is a special riding event every weekend here in Cali - some of them I even DJ for. The perfect combination of my passions coming together. As I get more comfortable and put more miles on, my goal is to ride with the Babes Ride Out group here on the west coast and live here full time because the great weather conditions would allow me to ride my bike year-round.”

Besides a change of the social scene of micro-commuters, she recognizes her appreciation for the literal change in scenery here in the states. “Each state has its own separate type of terrain to master and enjoy. Taking in the different landscapes around the US as you pass through has really driven me to want to do a cannonball run from coast to coast. To experience the difference, the cultures, and the serenity of riding solo.” 

Throttle Therapy

DJ Waves likes riding with both friends and by herself but either way recognizes the power of being alone with her thoughts under the helmet - something she terms, throttle therapy. 

“Being on a bike is like exercising your demons. A person gets to know a lot more about themselves during what I call throttle therapy. You get time to ask yourself the hard questions that pertain to both life and the road. Like, how far are you willing to go outside your boundaries? How are you going to handle the uncomfortable situations on your bike the moment they arise? Will you freak out or think it through? All of these answers translate into other aspects of our lives. And I can say, I am not the only one that’s experienced this feeling of conquering one's thoughts and finding a new sense of freedom. 

Last April, for example, I met up with a good friend of mine here in California - they had come out from New Jersey to ride with me. We hadn’t seen each other in months and there was this moment when we were about to pass the highway up to Pasadena where there are these awesome tunnels. We’re racing through these tunnels in the dead of night - full throttle therapy in gear;  an exhilarating freedom took over both of us. There I was primal screaming inside my helmet feeling more alive than ever. I felt a release; joy, excitement… a new energy and more alive than I could ever feel driving that same exact route in a car. And at the end of our ride, we bonded over it - the power of throttle therapy.”

Fashion for Her Passion

Wearing what feels comfortable for the ride has led to a long-standing joke amongst her and her friends; that she dresses like the guy she wants to date. Wearing baggier clothes is more comfy for DJ Waves with banded pants when she is about to jet set on her bike but in all reality she’s been on the search to find her style. 

“Honestly, I love my Doc Marten boots and oversized clothes so that I can layer. But I am discovering brands like AV that make really cool looking stuff, like their riding boots, that are not only fashionable but are meant to keep me safe on the road. Wearing layers to work with changing weather and offer more cushion on rougher terrains has been my go-to until I found AV and other companies like it. I can have more say in my style while also finding safe functionality.”

One of DJ Wave’s favorite AV catalog items are the various riding boots because they “look like normal boots” that you can wear at work, on the road, out with friends… literally anywhere!

Check them out for yourself Atelier Volant Boots and get ready for a new adventure. We know DJ Waves is.